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Additional references and recommended reading:
Boland, D. J. et al (2006) "Forest Trees of Australia" 5th Edition, Australia: CSIRO Publishing.
Gilman, Edward F. (1997) "Trees for Urban and Suburban Landscapes", Florida: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Lorenz von Ehren "Von Ehren Manual" 2nd Edition, Hamburg.
Rushforth, K. (2001) "Easy Tree Guide, Britain and Europe", London: Aurum Press.
Urban Forests Ecosystems Institute, "SelecTree - A Tree Selection Guide" retrieved from 2009.
Torbay Treefarmers makes all information on this website available in good faith to customers, based on experience, general knowledge and research and in so doing, makes no guarantee in any way about the accuracy or usefulness of this information, nor is any warranty made or inferred by the supply of this information, nor can Torbay Treefarmers be held responsible or accountable for any loss, harm or damage that may arise from the use or availability of any information on this website.